If you have been following us for a long time now, you might remember that we used to host and share a lot of Travel contests. Not sure, why we stopped doing it. But better to be late than never, we are kicking off the series again. Thailand Tourism Board is hosting a cool
#ThrowbackThailand travel contest for Indian Bloggers and Influencers.
Contest By: Tat New Delhi
Last date: June 7, 2020
You can Win:
- 5 Grand winners will win a GoPro Hero 8 Sports and Action Camera
- 10 secondary winners will win a travel kit
- Other tertiary winners will win goodies
- Bonanza: Top winning bloggers/influencers will get a chance to collaborate with Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) India Offices and join fam trips to Thailand in the near future.
How To Win ThrowbackThailand – Travel Contest for Indian Bloggers & Influencers
- Create a video (mp4) or a GIF of minimum 30sec, with visual content material from your past trip(s) to Thailand (it can be photos, videos…). You can choose whatever theme you want.
- Publish the video on your social media handles (minimum 1, maximum 3) with the following hashtags: #throwbackthailand #TATNewDelhi #TATIndia #TourismAuthorityofThailandIndia #AmazingThailand #Thailand2020 and tag @TAT_NewDelhi page; and invite your followers to like, comment, share the video and follow @TAT_NewDelhi on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
- Submit your entry on the following link: https://thailandfirstvisit.com/contest
- Like, comment and share this post, and don’t forget to follow @TAT_NewDelhi @ TourismAuthorityofThailandIndia on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube!
Check details on the official website – https://thailandfirstvisit.com/contest/
View this post on Instagram
Featured Image: TAT New Delhi Official Website

If you do find our article on ThrowbackThailand – Travel Contest for Indian Bloggers & Influencers useful and luckily you win the contest, don’t forget to send a note/picture of your gift to us ( Email: thetalesofatraveler@gmail.com)
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